Registered Behavior Technician Training Program
The Registered Behavioral Technician (RBT) training program is based on the Registered Behavior Technician Task List and is designed to meet the 40-hour training requirement for the RBT credential. The program is offered independent of the BACB. Once begun, you must complete the course within 180 days.
The RBT Program consists of 11 online modules, each containing a narrated presentation and a 10 question exam at the end of each module. Successful completion of the course requires sequential completion of each module and exam with at least 80% accuracy. You have 2 attempts at each exam. Failure to pass the exams will result in failing the course. Upon successful completion of the course you will receive a certificate of completion. You then must complete the other requirements for use which then will provide the student with a Certificate of Completion for use with additional requirements (see below) to attain the RBT credential.
In order for you to obtain the RBT credential through the BACBA® you must complete the following steps:
Be at least 18 years of age
Have a high school diploma or equivalent
Pass a criminal background check to be completed within 180 days of the RBT application
Complete the 40-hour RBT training course (this course)
Must be completed within 180 days of the official start date
You must receive a score of 80% or above in each of the assessments
You will receive a certificate at the end of this course
Locate a BCBA to complete the RBT competency assessment with you:
RBT competency assessment
If necessary you can locate BCBAs via the BACB website (Links to an external site.)
The BCBA must sign off on the RBT competency and should not abbreviate any of the information
This person will also be the Responsible Certificant
Apply (and pay the application fee) for the RBT credential (Links to an external site.)
Sign up (and pay the exam fee), complete, and pass the RBT exa
(Group Discount available for 10 or more individuals: $150 per person)
PLEASE NOTE: Charges are non-refundable and will appear on your bank's statement as "Carpe Diem Intellectus, Inc."
Dr. Shirly Dorilas, Psy.D, BCBA-D
Board Certified Behavior Analyst
Doctor of Clinical Psychology
Tel: (678) 464-3259